Stop using kids in wedding ceremonies, parents told - Wor'Out Media

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Monday, April 17, 2017

Stop using kids in wedding ceremonies, parents told

THE government has been urged to take legal measures against people using children in wedding ceremonies until mid-night in order to protect them from mental and physical effects they could get by attending in such late hours ceremonies.

Speaking to journalists here yesterday, the director of a non-governmental organization (NGO) called Tree of Hope, Fortunata Manyiresa, said that children need to be protected against such actions for them to have good growth physically and mentally. She said the act of using children until late hours is unacceptable, exposing them to things not allowed under African traditions.

She wondered why parents have lost the traditional vision of taking care of their children in order to protect them against moral decay and promote good conducts for their future and the nation at large. She said it was high time now for the government through its community development officers at all levels to throw eyes and deal with this matter effectively, in order to save this generation for the better future of the nation.

She further stated that the action of using children to accompany bride and bride groom until mid-night was against the children’s basic rights, because they need to be protected and have enough time for rest every day.

“Children should not see people kissing one another … sometimes even the children themselves are directed to kiss one another ... this is not a good behaviour we start teaching them about love affairs at tender age ... what then if they engage in such actions at childhood ... We must change and have good direction for our children,” she further stressed.

She said for a long time it has been like a normal thing for children to be used as companion in wedding ceremonies, something which is bad and should be prohibited and completely be played down by all members of the communities.

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