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Wednesday, March 22, 2017


TANZANIA has the lowest pump fuel price levels giving motorists a better flexibility on spending compared to their peers in the six-member East African Community.

The country petrol price stood at 0.91 US dollars (some 2,002/-) and diesel 0.84 US dollars (1,848/-), according to Global Petrol Prices website. Mzumbe University’s Dar es Salaam Campus Economist, Prof Honest Ngowi, said naturally landlocked countries would have high fuel prices than non-landlocked.

“Naturally Tanzania will have a lower prices…fuel price is a factor of many components including taxes and costs of transport”. Uganda is the second with lowest petrol at 0.97 US dollars and diesel 0.83 US dollars.

Uganda had the lowest diesel prices in the region up to last Saturday. Kenya, a non-landlocked country, with the highest purchasing power parity in the region, petrol price is at 0.99 US dollars (2,178/-) and diesel 0.88 US dollars (1,936/-).

Rwanda was the second country in the EAC with highest fuel level at 1.02 US dollars (2,244/-) for both petrol and diesel. The highest country in the bloc with high rate is Burundi at 1.23 US dollars (2,706/-) where petrol and diesel has the same price.

Tanzania despite of having lowest fuel price in region also was the second highest country with GDP per capita purchasing power parity (PPP) after Kenya. But Prof Ngowi said PPP does not have a direct correlation with price of fuel other than making affordability easier for motorists on buying the product.

“Actually to me I don’t see the direct correlation between the two, than those with high PPP could be in a better position of affordability…” Prof Ngowi said.

The data shows that Kenya PPP is the highest in the region GDP per capita PPP at 3088 US dollars followed by Tanzania 2,672 US dollars, Uganda 1,850 US dollars, Rwanda 1762 US dollars and Burundi 727 US dollars, according to World Bank.

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