Bank customers seeking physical banking services at mortar and brick branches
has gone down by slightly over 30 per cent in Arusha, thanks to SimBanking
The bank, biggest in term of balance
sheet in the country, said its random survey confirmed declining number of long
and zigzag queues at bank halls in the last three months.
The Meru Branch Manager, Mr Leonce
Matley, said for instance at his branch they normally service around 600 people
per day but the number dropped to 400 per day in last three months.
random survey reveals that the Sim Banking has become the most convenient and
preferred service to our customers in this busiest branch in the Arusha Central
Business District,” Mr Matley told reporters yesterday.
Latest CRDB data show that at the end
of 2015 Sim- Banking had 1.22 million customers which was an increase of 24 per
cent over the previous year while number of transaction climbed 34 per cent to
The Subscriber Identity Module -Sim
Banking service, which is a branchless banking, allows a customer to carry out
banking transactions by using a mobile phone as its underlying technology. “SimBanking
is reliable for almost every transaction without necessarily going to the bank
hall physically,” said Ms Esther Daniel, CRDB Bank
The CRDB principal marketing officer,
Mr Willy Kamwela, said the Sim Banking is accessible through the mobile phone
service provider platforms namely Tigo, Vodacom, Halotel, and Airtel. “We
have developed reliable systems with the view of enabling our customers to
enjoy the convenience of banking on your mobile phone,”
Mr Kamwela said.
Mr Richard Mushi, a CRDB Arusha based
customer for eight years, said SimBanking was major revolution, as it is
reliable, time saving, convenient, secure and life saving. “I
do a lot of transactions through my mobile phone nowadays.
I purchase power, transfer cash and
check my balance anytime, anywhere,” he said. He
implores the CRDB Bank to improve the service, particularly on Luku token
during weekend in a bid to avert unnecessary delays.
Bank of Tanzania data on mobile SMS
banking showed the total country volume increased form 46,640,239 in 2014 to
50,642,727 in 2015 while value also increased from 1.16tri/- to 1.8tri/-.
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