323m/- given to Rombo expected to accelerate economic development - Wor'Out Media

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Thursday, May 18, 2017


323m/- given to Rombo expected to accelerate economic development


ROMBO District Council has been given some 323m/- for development projects in the 2016/17 financial year, so as to speed up development, it has been revealed here.

Rombo District Executive Director (DED), Ms Agnes John, said the money would be spent on important public projects like water provision, health centres, and ward offices. Speaking to villagers and council officials, Ms John stressed that village and ward officials should manage the projects effectively, a critical aspect being judicious expenditure of funds.

The official emphasized that the people, as the targeted beneficiaries, should keep close track of the projects, by, among other measures, regularly demanding income-andexpenditure records. She furthermore stressed that those who would not comply with government directives would be duly sanctioned.

The DED said the government had allocated 1bn/- for a water project in Ngareni village and 927m/- for construction of roads in Leto village.

The Rombo District Commissioner (DC), Ms Agnes Hokororo, said officials and the people should forge a close alliance in order to facilitate smooth execution of projects and other purposes for which public funds were allocated.

She stressed that the government was determined to elevate transparency and accountability to the peak, since it was only thus that poverty could at best be eradicated, and at worst, reduced.

The Ngoyoni Ward Executive Officer, Mr Isaya Tarimo, said the biggest challenge he faced was little awareness among the people on their importance to contribute willingly and seriously to development projects.

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