Muhimbili chips in to help boy ravaged by weird disease - Wor'Out Media

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Thursday, May 18, 2017


Muhimbili chips in to help boy ravaged by weird disease


A SIXTEEN-YEAR old boy, Shukuru Kisonga, who suffers from a strange disease, which requires him to consume two litres of milk, three quarters of a kilogramme of sugar and a litre of cooking oil per day for survival, has been admitted to Muhimbili National Hospital for treatment.

For several days now, a video clip of the boy’s mother has been going viral on social media, describing Shukuru’s weird illness and difficulties the parent faces due to the problem. MNH Spokesman, Mr Aminiel Eligaesha told journalists in Dar es Salaam, yesterday that the boy was received by the hospital on Tuesday.

“Shukuru and his mother arrived here on Tuesday at around 6pm from Tunduru District in Ruvuma Region and he was immediately admitted. Samples of his blood were taken at our emergency unit, the same day,” said Mr Eligaesha.

He noted that following reports describing the boy’s illness, he got an order to find him by any means and admit him to the hospital.

“The reports described the boy’s survival on consuming certain types of foods and things, therefore, due to the child’s right to life and importance in the community, the order required me to look for him by any means,” noted the Spokesperson.

He, however, pointed out that the child is currently admitted to Mwaisela Ward, where he is being closely monitored by the hospital’s various specialists.

“The cost of the child’s treatment will be covered by the hospital, meaning that the mother will not spend anything,” he observed.

According to Shukuru’s mother, Mwanabibi Mtete, who described the illness as strange and unknown said that the child was born normal until April 10, 2001, when the sickness began.

“The problem first emerged as normal fevers and went on for a while until it developed to what it is today,” said Mtete.

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